Stakeholder Involvement Plan

The Stakeholder Involvement Plan (SIP) is a document that outlines public involvement at key development and decision-making stages of the project, defines who the stakeholders are and how they are reached, and develops a rough schedule of meetings.

Stakeholder Involvement Plan

The SIP is an active document that will be updated periodically to adjust to the needs of the project.

If you have comments to the SIP, you can provide your comments here.


A key planning tool for this project will include a public involvement program based upon the principles of Context Sensitive Solutions (CSS).  CSS is an interdisciplinary approach that seeks effective, multi-modal transportation solutions by working with stakeholders to develop, build and maintain cost-effective transportation facilities which fit into and reflect the project’s surroundings (its “context”).  Through early, frequent, and meaningful communication with stakeholders and a flexible as well as creative approach to design, the resulting project should improve safety and mobility for the traveling public, while seeking to preserve and enhance the scenic, economic, historic, and natural qualities of the settings through which it passes.

This will be accomplished through an outreach program that will include meetings with stakeholder groups including a Community Advisory Group (CAG) and public meetings at key points in the study process.  This input will be evaluated and used to help shape viable solutions.

To join the CAG or provide comments, please contact us.